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The Devoted Dreamers Podcast

Whether you have a dream in your heart or aren’t sure what God might be calling you to, The Devoted Dreamers Podcast will encourage you on the journey. This space is dedicated to sharing stories every week of women who are following Jesus and pursuing their God-given gifts in beautifully imperfect ways. You’ll hear about the fears and challenges that threaten their dreams as well as the joy, courage and confidence that comes from following Jesus even in the unexpected…especially in the unexpected.

I’m your host, Merritt Onsa, and my prayer is that this show will meet you where you are in your walk with God. I hope you will come away from the podcast each week with encouragement to begin pursuing your own dreams even when you still feel flawed, imperfect, unfinished and not ready. Because if you wait until you are perfect, you will never take the first step. Join us!

Jan 20, 2021

God’s plans are often different from ours. This was true for Ellie Sanazaro when her world was forever changed after her daughter was born without the chromosomal disorder doctors had told her to expect. God used this event to change Ellie's heart and lead her down the path of adopting a baby with Down syndrome. Ellie is now passionate about spreading the message that EVERY child is an Image Bearer. 

Ellie shares in this episode about the heart change she and her husband went through after receiving devastating news about their expected first child who was born in 2016. God used this as a season of pruning and refining and led them first to Finn and second to become advocates for the value of all human life and every child born wonderfully different.

Ellie’s first book, Image Bearer, is intended to spark conversation in families with and without kids born with visible differences in order that we all might gain a perspective of value and worth aligned with that of our Creator.

You’ll hear Ellie share about:

  • the value she’s found in collaborating with others on her dream,
  • how God redeems and restores us following difficult times and then uses those very things for our good and His glory, and
  • how our worth comes not from our abilities or our successes but from God who has made us in His image.

Looking for the show notes? You’ll find them right here:


Join the Devoted Dreamers Podcast Facebook Group for passionate Christian women with a dream. It’s a place to gather with other like-minded Christian women who are taking next steps toward their God-shaped dreams. Because none of us were meant to do this alone!



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