Mar 28, 2018
Elizabeth Grace Saunders is an internationally recognized expert on effective time management and the founder of Real Life E Time Coaching and Speaking. Her company partners with individuals on the journey from feeling guilty, overwhelmed and frustrated to feeling peaceful, confident and accomplished. She has been...
Mar 21, 2018
Kasey Shuler is an author and Revelation Wellness Personal Trainer. Her two Bible studies include “Love Beyond Looks: A 5-Week Bible Study on Body Image” and “Rest and Rise: Be Refreshed In Your Work.” Starting with the Word, her mission is to encourage others to know Christ and awaken life through movement and...
Mar 14, 2018
Sarah Beth Marr is the author of Dreaming with God – A Bold Call to Step Out and Follow God’s Lead. Sarah Beth danced professionally for more than fifteen years as a ballerina and now encourages women in the dance of life and faith through her writing, speaking at MOPS International groups and women’s events, and...
Mar 7, 2018
In the margins of parenting a 17, 14, and 11-year old, Beth Bruno directs a non-profit aimed at preventing domestic minor sex trafficking and regularly speaks to students, law enforcement, educators and community groups around the topic of sexual exploitation. Her first book, A Voice Becoming: A...