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The Devoted Dreamers Podcast

Whether you have a dream in your heart or aren’t sure what God might be calling you to, The Devoted Dreamers Podcast will encourage you on the journey. This space is dedicated to sharing stories every week of women who are following Jesus and pursuing their God-given gifts in beautifully imperfect ways. You’ll hear about the fears and challenges that threaten their dreams as well as the joy, courage and confidence that comes from following Jesus even in the unexpected…especially in the unexpected.

I’m your host, Merritt Onsa, and my prayer is that this show will meet you where you are in your walk with God. I hope you will come away from the podcast each week with encouragement to begin pursuing your own dreams even when you still feel flawed, imperfect, unfinished and not ready. Because if you wait until you are perfect, you will never take the first step. Join us!

Aug 18, 2021

Have you ever wondered where God is when your life feels out of control, or your plan isn’t working out the way you thought it would?

Jamie Dodero was on a successful career track in the hotel industry when Covid-19 hit and she was furloughed. This is the story of how God used a significant professional setback (alongside major health issues in her newborn baby girl) to grow Jamie’s faith and fuel her dream to write a children’s prayer book. 

In this interview Jamie and I also talk about:

  1. The times of testing you will face when you’re creating something new,
  2. The importance of filling your cup first so that you can pour out to others, and
  3. How letting go of the illusion of control over your life grows your trust in God.

Loved this interview? Come on over to the Facebook group to share your thoughts on this episode.





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